If you are seeking a donation in the Fredericton or Minto Area please see below:
Donation requests are granted to provide support for charitable organizations with their fundraising efforts. Due to the large volume of requests we receive, we are not able to fund all donation requests. We will only accept Donations Requests from the local area (Fredericton or Minto), should you be seeking a Donation from another area: please call your local Tim Hortons Restaurant.
We handle donation requests on a case-by-case basis. A minimum of one month's notice is required to secure the approval and coordinate donation requests.
Please use the form below to submit your donation request. The Guest Service Manager will review these requests. We do our best to support as many organizations as possible. Please include in the message any additional information, and be specific as to what you are looking for, whether it is a door prize, or food product you require.
Policy Details:
If it is an annual event, you must apply for the donation request annually. Past donations are not a guarantee of future donations.
No Donations will be made in Cash
Typically donations are not made to organizations whose message or recipient is religious, political or denominational in nature.
Fill out the Form Below to request a donation:
We can only accept requests for Donations in the Fredericton or Minto Area​